Leaning Management System for the Real Estate sector

Real estate agents shake hands after the signing of the contract agreement is complete.

The Real Estate industry requires skilled, trained agents to deliver the best result.

An efficient, modern Learning Management System will help you deliver the best learning outcomes and ultimately improve the performance of your agents.

ComplAI Learning is a modern, easy-to-use LMS for the Real Estate sector which will help you save 30% on training costs.

Our Courses Include

Privacy Awareness & Data Protection

GDPR Staff Awareness

Bullying in the Workplace


Cold Calling Tips for Real Estate

Cold calling

Objection Handling for Real Estate

Business, presentation and man on a laptop in a corporate conference or office collaboration with a woman at work. Businessman, manager or coach for marketing, strategy and sales working with CEO.

Online Training Platform


Onboard new agents quickly so they can hit the ground running.

Suite of Online Training

Suite of online courses to help your agents upskill.


Upload and enroll agents in compliance courses


Easily access training reports of all agent training. See courses not started, in progress, completed. 


View and download digital training certificates in seconds. 


Up to 20 agents

€30 Per Month

20+ Staff

Custom Pricing